October 4 on 4

Each month I join a group of talented women from Clickin Moms to create a 4 on 4 blog circle showcasing 4 of our favorite images from the last month. This month got away from all of us, but I realized that I had something put together so I thought I would post it anyway.


September was a blend of getting in all the summer things before it gets cold, and embracing the start of fall. I'll admit I'm not a fan of the fall season - I like warm weather and can't seem to enjoy fall for what it is, but I do love fall activities (apple orchards, corn mazes, pumpkin patches!). To me, fall is the start of an inevitable winter which I'd rather do without. I don't like to be cold and I'm still trying to figure out how this wasn't enough to motivate me to move out of Minnesota during some point in my life. 

I've already turned the heat on in the house. And it wasn't even October yet.

At any rate, a lot of my September pictures bring me back to the final days before school started where we tried to summer as hard as we could, and then shift to the acceptance of returning to our structured school days while watching the greens of summer begin their unavoidable pigment change to gold,  and brown and red.

We've been walking to school when we can and enjoying the nice weather as it holds out, but as I write this it rains outside. 

September 2nd, 2017-0065.jpg
September 3rd, 2017-0330.jpg
September 12th, 2017-18.jpg
September 21st, 2017-13.jpg